Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] QT translation: lock keyboard shortcut terms?

From: Michal Labedzki <michal.labedzki@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2016 08:07:00 +0200
> Therefore I think there is no need to translate the terms manually.

What about  "Ctrl + Down" etc.? I am not sure if something like that
can be translating automatically. If so, that great.

On 4 April 2016 at 20:16, Uli Heilmeier <zeugs@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Alexis,
>>     How can we prevent this?
>>     * Remove keyboard shortcuts from the wireshark_xx.ts file (if feasible)
>> After a check, yes, it is possible to remove (via Qt Design for example
>> "Close"
>> diff --git a/ui/qt/main_window.ui b/ui/qt/main_window.ui
>> index 021d788..881f6c7 100644
>> --- a/ui/qt/main_window.ui
>> +++ b/ui/qt/main_window.ui
>> @@ -817,7 +817,7 @@
>>      <string>Close this capture file</string>
>>     </property>
>>     <property name="shortcut">
>> -    <string>Ctrl+W</string>
>> +    <string notr="true">Ctrl+W</string>
>>     </property>
>>     <property name="iconVisibleInMenu">
>>      <bool>false</bool>
>> and after it is remove from ts file
> Sounds good. I would vote for removing the terms from the ts files.
> If no one complains I will upload a patch with fixed ui file in the next days.
>>     * Establish a review process (like Gerrit) for translation files
>> It is possible to have "Reviewer" on Transifex, if you are interresed and
>> can add you to reviewer group for check german translation
> Keeping the automatic sync (without review) is ok for me when we've
> removed the shortcuts from ts file.
> Cheers
> Uli
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Michał Łabędzki, Software Engineer
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