Dan S Zaniewski on Fri, 5 May 2006 14:45:58 -0400 wrote:
> I am trying to make a filter with a source MAC of 00:00:BC:**:**:**
For display filters the answer is on the wiki (http://wiki.ethereal.com/DisplayFilters) and in ethereal-filter.html on your computer! (From Ethereal's help
menu, or (Windows) Start > Programs > Ethereal > Ethereal Program
Directory.) Look for "slice operator":
eth.src[0:3] == 00:00:BC
You can replace eth.src with eth.dst or eth.addr, which means source or
destination. That is
eth.addr[0:3] == 00:00:BC
is equivalent to
eth.src[0:3] == 00:00:BC or eth.dst[0:3] == 00:00:BC
It's not so obvious for capture filters, because the language is less
powerful [but see * below] and because the full documention is in the
tcpdump manual. See http://wiki.ethereal.com/CaptureFilters for an outline and link to the tcpdump manual.
There's a slice operator but only three legal slice sizes (1, 2 or 4
bytes), and it can only be applied to a few protocols. The "ether"
protocol starts with destination mac address, and the & operator can be
used to throw away the unwanted byte from a four byte slice. So:
ether[0:4]&0xFFFFFF00==0xBC00 or ether[6:4]&0xFFFFFF00==0xBC00
* The capture filter language has some surprising conveniences. "ether
host" acts like display filter "eth.addr==", and you don't need to repeat
it with multiple addresses joined by || (or) or && (and). So this is the
logical or of six == comparisons:
ether host 12:34:56:78:90:AB or 34:56:78:90:AB:CD or 56:78:90:AB:CD:EF
This captures all unicast packets exchanged by two devices:
ether host 12:34:56:78:90:AB and 34:56:78:90:AB:CD
Being lazy, I usually capture a short sample with no filter, identify
relevant mac addresses, and use the display filter option "Prepare a
Filter > ... or Selected" repeatedly (without applying) to get them all in
the Display Filter dialog box, because that supports copy and paste.
Select enough of the display filter text to include all the mac addresses,
copy it, and clear the display filter. Go to capture filter, type "ether
host ", paste and edit the result till it's like "ether host
12:34:56:78:90:AB || 34:56:78:90:AB:CD || ...".
Regards, Julian.