Ethereal development <ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx> schrieb am 24.02.04 12:51:41:
> |From: W. Borgert
> |
> |Quoting Biot Olivier:
> |> Maybe we can add this to some Win32 README file?
> |
> |I would prefer having the gtk-wimp stuff integrated
> |directly into the Ethereal installer (22k only!).
> |The README could tell the user how to disable it.
> Then this is probably something for the NSIS installer on Win32. We can hide
> the individual files by a label "Use native WinXP UI widgets" which can only
> be selected when GTK2 has been chosen.
I also tend to integrate this into the NSIS installer and already done this on my private CVS tree.
It seems to be working fine, but I didn't wanted to already include this before the 0.10.2 release was out (which was done yesterday :-).
To have this, I added an extra section "GTK-Wimp" and put some explanatory text into the "Description" field. This is enabled when choosing the GTK2 install and can be disabled if the user don't want it.
I can check in these changes later today, when I'm back home.
Regards, ULFL
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