Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] The save capture file warning comes up for an empty capture

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2004 20:22:49 +0100
Richard Sharpe wrote:

On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, Richard Sharpe wrote:
Richard Sharpe wrote:
If you start a capture, and then go quit, the save capture file dialog box comes up even if you have not managed to capture any packets.
This seems wrong. We should check the number of packets.
Did you checked the latest CVS?
OK, I am not sure I was working with the latest CVS. I will check.
Well, now I am sure. The latest CVS still has this problem.
I had made a change: if no packets could be captured, the capture file is immediately closed again.
So the situation you describe should never happen!

What did you *exactly* and what dialog comes up?
OK, I did:

1. Start Ethereal on FreeBSD and click Capture-->Start

2. Ethered a capture filter that ensures no packets are captured

3. Clicked OK.

4. Waited a few seconds and then clicked Stop on the progress window.
At this point, a dialog box should come up: "No packets captured", and close the capture immediately again. So as no file is open after this point, you should have no problem quitting the program.
5. Click File-->Quit

6. Up comes the Warning dialog box with Save Capture file before quit message.

Well, again my fault!

This was depending, if the "Update list of packets in real time" was used or not.
As this will use a different sourcepath when pressing the "Stop" button, 
it just wasn't implemented when this option wasn't used.
I've checked in a bugfix for this.

Please send a short response, if this fixed it on your side too.

Regards, ULFL