On Dec 2, 2011, at 4:14 PM, Philip Anil-QBW348 wrote:
> That worked!
> I did a
> sudo airmon-ng start wlan0
> and then used wireshark to capture on mon0.
> I can see the http packets unencrypted.
> Much appreciate your help. Blessings!
OK, now I'd appreciate *your* help; as per my previous message:
> This may allow you to capture traffic in monitor mode while you're still associated with the network (*IF* the hardware and driver support that, and if NetworkManager doesn't "helpfully" turn monitor mode off). You'd have to restart NetworkManager and then try the airmon-ng script.
> If that works, try removing monitor mode with the "airmon-ng stop mon0" command, and then try running Wireshark and checking the "Monitor mode" checkbox when capturing on wlan0.
so try removing monitor mode and then start Wireshark, select "Options" from the "Capture" menu, and, if it has a "Monitor mode" checkbox, try to capture on "wlan0" with the "Monitor mode" checkbox checked. Let us know whether that works or not. (If it doesn't have a "Monitor mode" checkbox, let us know what the Help -> About dialog box says.) If the "Monitor mode" checkbox is present but grayed out, let us know that as well.