Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Capture filter question

From: David Alanis <canito@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2011 20:54:25 -0500
Quoting David Alanis <canito@xxxxxxxx>:

Quoting Marco Zuppone <msz@xxxxxx>:


I have a question about capture filters.
I noticed that the basic capture filter predefined in Wireshark to do not capture arp and DNS requests is defined in this way:
not arp and port not 53

What is the difference with: not arp and not port 53?

Thanks in advance
Marco - StockTrader
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Sorry, I think I jumped the gun on my previous e-mail. I know that  
'not arp' will filter out the address resolution protocol. 'not port  
53' will simply discard communication over port 53.
Is there something more specific that I am not understanding about  
these two capture filters?
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