Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Capture filter question

From: David Alanis <canito@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2011 20:45:15 -0500
Quoting Marco Zuppone <msz@xxxxxx>:


I have a question about capture filters.
I noticed that the basic capture filter predefined in Wireshark to do not capture arp and DNS requests is defined in this way:
not arp and port not 53

What is the difference with: not arp and not port 53?

Thanks in advance
 Marco - StockTrader
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I don't quite know about the capture filter whether default or not. 'not arp' means that it will filter out the address resolution protocol communication and 'not arp' will filter out communication over port 53, mostly if not absolutely DNS requests.

You can read more about ARP here:


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