On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 08:20:04PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
> I didn't. But that is verbatim what my tutor said, and I can't make
> head or tail of it. Control bits are the bits in "the PCI of a
> TCP-segment".
Well, now I'm curious, so let's break it down. What was the context of
the discussion? I assume by "control bits," he meant what Wireshark
calls the "Flags" which are Nonce, Congestion Window Reduced, ecn-echo,
URGent, ACKnowledgement, PuSH, reset, SYNchronize and FINish bits (and a
few reserved for future use). The only other things in a TCP segment
are shown here:
(scroll down to the TCP header chart)