Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] tshark stops after a few seconds

From: Stephen Fisher <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 11:20:24 -0700
On Thu, Nov 04, 2010 at 06:18:08PM +0000, Jeff Liegel wrote:

> If "sniff free or die" is the question, then TShark 1.2.2 has chosen 
> die on my Solaris 10 x86 box.

Can you try the latest Tshark (1.4.1) to make sure the problem still 

> Trying a simple tshark but it stops after a few seconds unexpectedly.  
> There are no error messages, unless I need to look in a file 
> somewhere, I am just trying to use the standard output.  Here is an 
> entire attempt:

> [root@mani ~]# tshark port 5060
> Running as user "root" and group "other". This could be dangerous.
> Capturing on bge0
>   0.000000 -> SIP Request: INFO sip:8991083755@
>   0.009236 -> SIP Request: INFO sip:8992062906@


> 185 packets captured
> [root@mani ~]

That looks like a normal exit.  Is it always after 185 (or close) 