Hello All,
I am a new user of wireshark. I am working on stream video packets and receving at other end through wireless hops (Access point). I used to do this using VLC player and thru UDP protocol. I started using Wireshark for analysis of my packets. In between i found we cannot calculate jitter , delay etc.. through UDP. Later i found RTP protocol. Now the question is what exactly is the difference between UDP and RTP in term of networking and in term of Wireshark s/w working.
I need some proof as this information will be needed for my publication.
Help me plz
With Regards
Ankur Aggarwal
Research intern
Optical Zeitgeist Laboratory
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) - ÉMT
800, de la Gauchetière Ouest, bureau 6900
Montréal, QC, H5A 1K6
Ph: +1 514 966-2661
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