On Dec 17, 2009, at 9:39 AM, RUOFF LARS wrote:
> Well, i think (i hope) there's some confusion here related to the indices used in RFCs:
I think you're correct.
> That's how i see it, but correct me if i'm wrong:
> The representation of a single octect in binary representation is usually given with the most significant bit (msb) to the left and the least significant bit (lsb) to right.
Well, that depends on who's giving the representation. In manuals for various instruction sets, some go big-endian (left-to-right index) and some go little-endian (right-to-left index/base-2-exponent). I think ITU-T recommendations - and IEEE standards? - go little-endian, but, as you note, RFCs go big-endian (perhaps they do so just as they go big-endian for byte order).