when doing this ".. if you down eth1, down eth2, up
eth2 .. it works fine.
since I have spare NIC cards I thought it would be better to use them instead of alias,
----- Original Message ----
From: Steve Bertrand <steve@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Community support list for Wireshark <wireshark-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 12:33:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-users] 2 IP addresses on 1 machine
Juan Perez wrote:
> thank you steve,;
> I am using Centos5, the 2 Ips for sure are in the same network. Last octects are: 50 and 51, the network is 48 and the mask is
> I will have in production a dedicated machine with 1 IP only, but this is a lab for testing some stuff and both apps have to live in the machine for now.
> If I disable eth1 then the app listening in IP 2 does not work properly. As a test, If I disable eth1 and leave eth2 up I can not ping anything from that machine, I have to enable eth1 for the ping to work.
> I think that this falls under the realms of the OS more than wireshark. thank you very much guys anyways.
Yes, that is the OS, not Wireshark.
Does ping out of eth2 work correctly if you down eth1, down eth2, up
eth2 and then apply the appropriate IP info?
For your lab test, you may consider adding an alias IP on eth1, as
opposed to having two separate NICs.
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