On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 02:48:17PM -0800, Guy Harris wrote:
> Joerg Mayer wrote:
> > AFAIKT, the offer is perfectly legal.
> Legal, but some would consider it wrong, as a customer might not know
> that a version is available for USD/EUR/UKP/RMB/JPY/CAD/BRL/RUB/INR/{ok,
> ok, we get it -ed :-)} 0.00 from http://www.wireshark.org.
> I don't know
> 1) whether it's possible to post a comment on an item in eBay (such as
> "hey, you can get this software for free from www.wireshark.org")
> or
> 2) if it's possible, whether you have to have an eBay account to do that.
I guess you will need an account for that, as I needed one to be able
to mail the store owner about the following quote:
"NOTICE: This auction is in full compliance with all eBay rules and
regulations. No copyrights have been violated with this auction. I am
authorized reseller for this software. A copy of my Software Distribution
License is available upon request."
I think this quote on the selling page is not so legal, as there are
no authorized resellers for Wireshark, are there?
Also I doubt whether selling GPL software is in full compliance with
all eBay rules and regulations. At least I think it shouldn't be ;-)
PS I did not send the mail, as I do not want to create an eBay account
for it. I'd still be very interested to see their Authorized WS
reseller license though...