Guy Harris schrieb:
Joerg Mayer wrote:
AFAIKT, the offer is perfectly legal.
Legal, but some would consider it wrong, as a customer might not know
that a version is available for USD/EUR/UKP/RMB/JPY/CAD/BRL/RUB/INR/{ok,
ok, we get it -ed :-)} 0.00 from
I don't know
1) whether it's possible to post a comment on an item in eBay (such as
"hey, you can get this software for free from")
2) if it's possible, whether you have to have an eBay account to do that.
You can send the seller a comment. But AFAIK, it is at the sellers
discretion if it's placed on the items page - which I guess won't happen
for obvious reasons ;-)
Regards, ULFL