On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 11:06:44AM +0100, Ulf Lamping wrote:
> Stephen Fisher wrote:
> > and give feedback on the implementation and if they can think of a
> > better top-level menu to put it under (View perhaps?).
> Basically, the View menu is about *how* things are displayed, and not to
> display "new" things - so this is not the place to go.
> Analyze or Statistics is the place to go - IMO it might better be placed
> in Analyze as this feature is not really about Statistics. However, both
> menus have become a bit interchangeable over time.
Would't this be option be feeling more at home under the "File" menu?
It is about exporting parts of the data-stream. My suggestion would be:
"File | Export | Objects".
Just my E0,02 ;)
PS Great new functionality though, wherever it may end up in the menu ;)