Here my meta-comments:
On 2/21/07, Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx> wrote:
Stephen Fisher wrote:
Some things I've noticed:
- this announcement should have gone to the developer list first (most
developer related discussion will go to the users list now)
- the buttons don't have a tooltip (should be easy to add)
- when selecting a row, the packet list should jump to that packet (as
other similar dialogs do it)
- save fails if the "suggested" filename contains bad characters (e.g.
question mark), which often happens. Unfortunately, I don't know a good
character encapsulation for this.
what about urlencoded filenames as wget does.
- no "Save All" button (to save all files in one rush)
what about duplicated filenames
two different files with a single url (e.g. different responses to
POST requests)
- not mentioned in the User's Guide (that's ok as this feature is
currently experimental) - but shall be added *before* the next release
- no "Help" button to point to the none existing User's Guide section ;-)
Anyway, this is a really good start of this topic - now it's about
getting it "bullet proof" ;-)
This information is top security. When you have read it, destroy yourself.
-- Marshall McLuhan