For functions that process timestamp strings, should the function eat/process the entire string or are there cases where it's ok to just use part?
if ((0 < iso8601_to_nstime(&in_time, ws_optarg, ISO8601_DATETIME)) || (0 < unix_epoch_to_nstime(&in_time, ws_optarg))) {
Is this an acceptable solution in the case where a bad timestamp string is passed on the command line to editcap (caller validates)?
if ((strlen(ws_optarg) == iso8601_to_nstime(&in_time, ws_optarg, ISO8601_DATETIME)) || (strlen(ws_optarg) == unix_epoch_to_nstime(&in_time, ws_optarg))) {
Debug/printf output:
C:\Development\wsbuild64_2022>run\RelWithDebInfo\editcap.exe -V -A 2005-09-06T01:22:21 -B 2005-09-06 p:\wap_google.pcap split
Timestamp: 2005-09-06T01:22:21, Length: 19
iso8601_to_nstime: 19
unix_epoch_to_nstime: 4
Timestamp: 2005-09-06, Length: 10
iso8601_to_nstime: 0 <---- callee validated and said nope
unix_epoch_to_nstime: 4
editcap: "2005-09-06" isn't a valid date and time