Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] IRC channel

From: Jason Cohen <kryojenik2@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 08:34:02 -0500
It is at least associated with the Wireshark project.

08:23 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode with chanserv
08:23 <kryojenik> info #wireshark
08:23 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Information on #wireshark:
08:23 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Founder    : Lekensteyn
08:23 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Registered : Apr 14 18:14:47 2007 (14y 9w 1d ago)
08:23 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Mode lock  : +ntc-s
08:23 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- The #wireshark namespace is registered to the wireshark project
08:23 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- *** End of Info ***

The channel at this point is getting filled with anti-semetic spam messages.  If anyone on this list is an op in the channel, you may want to do some cleanup...

On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 2:22 PM Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jason,

Please be aware that the Freenode IRC channel #wireshark is a resource not controlled by the Wireshark organisation. 


On 10 Jun 2021, at 18:55, Jason Cohen <kryojenik2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Curious if there is (or I missed) an announcement about the IRC channel on freenode.  Obviously there is a lot of activity / drama going on there and I've been seeing some rather ugly spam messages in the channel on freenode.

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