Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] error during DMG creation under macOS 10.13.2

From: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 18:31:38 -0800
On Jan 19, 2018, at 11:31 PM, Peter Meiser <meiser@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> I try to compile Wireshark under macOS 10.13.2. I installed the needed libraries and tools via brew (see the list and versions below).
> "make" runs fine, "make dmg_package" shows the an error inbetween so that the some libs the wrong rpath, e.g. libhogweed.4.dylib or ethercat.so.
> Here's the error message:
> error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: /usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.10.0_1/lib found in: Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS/Wireshark (for architecture x86_64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.10.0_1/lib"
> Could someone tell me how to fix this issue?


> macOS:build peter$ brew list --versions

I don't know whether anybody else has ever tried building the Wireshark macOS DMG package using libraries installed from Brew; it's generally done using tools/macos-setup.sh to install the libraries.  What happens if you try using libraries installed in that fashion?