Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] error during DMG creation under macOS 10.13.2

From: Peter Meiser <meiser@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2018 20:57:02 +0100

I still need your help as I can't fix this issue by myself.


Am 20.01.2018 um 08:31 schrieb Peter Meiser:
> Hi,
> I try to compile Wireshark under macOS 10.13.2. I installed the needed libraries and tools via brew (see the list and versions below).
> "make" runs fine, "make dmg_package" shows the an error inbetween so that the some libs the wrong rpath, e.g. libhogweed.4.dylib or ethercat.so.
> Here's the error message:
> error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: /usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.10.0_1/lib found in: Wireshark.app/Contents/MacOS/Wireshark (for architecture x86_64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.10.0_1/lib"
> Could someone tell me how to fix this issue?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Peter
> macOS:build peter$ brew list --versions
> asciidoc 8.6.10_1
> boost 1.66.0
> c-ares 1.13.0
> cmake 3.10.1
> docbook 5.0
> geoip 1.6.11
> gettext
> glib 2.54.3
> gmp 6.1.2_1
> gnutls 3.5.16
> jansson 2.10
> jemalloc 5.0.1
> jpeg 9b
> libev 4.24
> libevent 2.1.8
> libffi 3.2.1
> libgcrypt 1.8.2
> libgpg-error 1.27
> libsmi 0.5.0
> libssh 0.7.5
> libssh2 1.8.0
> libtasn1 4.12
> libtiff 4.0.9_1
> libunistring 0.9.8
> [email protected] 5.1.5_5
> lynx 2.8.8rel.2_1
> lz4 1.8.0
> nettle 3.4
> nghttp2 1.29.0
> openssl 1.0.2n
> p11-kit 0.23.9
> pcre 8.41
> pkg-config 0.29.2
> qt 5.10.0_1
> snappy 1.1.7_1
> spandsp 0.0.6_1