On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Alexis La Goutte
<alexis.lagoutte@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Richard (and Bill)
> It is historic... at the first, there is only limited fixed field and tagged
> field...
> and on last 802.11 spec, there is > 100 tagged field...
> If you have a solution to avoid a big switch...
> i have already think to put each case on separate function... but for some
> case, there is only 5 lines of code...
I think the switch statement is OK, however, I would break out all the
open coded stuff into separate subroutines. I estimate that it would
reduce that subroutine to about 200-300 lines then.
I have vague thoughts about cleaning that dissector up, but I need to
find time. However, being aware of more problems makes the scope of
the effort clearer.
I also want to pass the phdr on to all the subdissectors so the
current crazy mechanism can be removed.
> Regards,
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 6:11 PM, Bill Meier <wmeier@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 9/9/2015 12:03 PM, Bill Meier wrote:
>>> On 9/9/2015 11:23 AM, Richard Sharpe wrote:
>>>> Take a look at epan/dissectors/packet-ieee80211.c!
>>>> Specifically, add_tagged_field.
>>>> That function is approximately 2,300 lines long and it consists of one
>>>> big switch statement with every arm containing open-coded statements
>>>> to add things to the proto tree.
>>> It's even worse:
>>> add_fixed_field() given a "fixed field number" does a linear search thru
>>> a (large) table to to find the number (and the associated function
>>> address) and then calls the function ...
>>> One side effect: there are functions which aren't used but since they're
>>> in the table, they're not flagged as unused by the compiler.
>>> In several cases there is (or was) duplicate code elsewhere doing a
>>> dissection similar to the unused "fixed field functions".
>>> (I was working to fix all this but got a bit bored because I had to
>>> spend time delving thru the 802211 spec trying to understand the code.
>>> I guess I should at least do that work (unless you have a broader
>>> solution in mind to handle both tagged and fixed fields ?)
>> Actually, I guess add_tagged_field and add_fixed_field are sort of doing
>> the same thing (just in different ways) with respect to the lookup.
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