On 02/13/15 04:14, Anders Broman wrote:
Den 13 feb 2015 09:45 skrev "Dario Lombardo"
<dario.lombardo.ml@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:dario.lombardo.ml@xxxxxxxxx>>:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 6:18 PM, Anders Broman <a.broman58@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:a.broman58@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>> I suspected as much, but I think all the sip lines skip the CRLF...
> What about adding the skipped bytes as hidden, labeled as "unused
First thought is, unnecessary processing to satisfy this new
functionality, which frankly I have my doubts about...
I have to admit that I like being able to click on a byte and see what
field it maps to. From that perspective I like when padding is claimed
by the dissector which knew it was padding. And when CR+NL are claimed
by the item which they terminate.
If this functionality encourages dissectors to claim all the bytes used
by their protocol that is, in my opinion, a good thing.