Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] ** CID 280353: Operands don't affect result (CONSTANT_EXPRES

From: Jakub Zawadzki <darkjames-ws@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2014 11:40:13 +0100
On Sun, Feb 09, 2014 at 10:48:44AM +0100, Toralf F�rster wrote:
> Furthermore I wonder why an undefined value in epan/crypt/airpdcap_interop.h (around line 98) :
> #ifndef ntohs
> #undef     ntohs      <--------------
> #define ntohs(value)    g_ntohs(value)
> #endif
> has to be undef again ? Or does "#ifndef" also check for a defined, but empty variable ?

I don't think so, it's likely a typo, introduced in r20274 (2.01.2007), so I think '#undef' can be safety removed.

Or better - if this code is not synchronized with 3rd party (CACE/Riverbed) code,
I think we can just use always g_ntohs() there.
