Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Hi, I want to apply for the Wireshark project for GSoC2013

From: zzl <greoge_007@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 00:42:17 +0800 (CST)

Nice meeting you here. I'm zhuo from UESTC. Since your background is so wonderful, my suggestions would be do not choose the project listed below, how about coming up with your own creative idea. LOL
Wish you a great suscess in the GSoC2013!!
At 2013-04-27 22:20:15,"食肉大灰兔" <hsluoyz@xxxxxx> wrote:
To wireshark-dev:

    Hello. My name is Leon. I am a Grade 2 master of Beihang University in China, and I major in computer science. I'd like to participate in the GSoC2013, the Google Summer of Code project and help do some programming work for Wireshark. Resume enclosed.
    I saw the ideas you provided for GSoC2013 and I must admit that i'm very fond of them. In my lab, I have done much research and programming work in the network security field. My graduation deadline is Mar.2014 and I'm willing to do some practice work before applying for a job. I'm very familiar with C/C++ programming in Windows and also know the TCP/IP network architecture very well. Because of my research area, I came much contact with Wireshark and Ethereal for experiments of my papers. In addition, I can crack ill-protected software and develop kind of NDIS filtering drivers for Windows. I have been using MFC for Windows user interface for three years, not so much experience in QT, but I think I can get started with QT quickly.
    Among all ideas in the list, I prefer Process Information, New Export Objects, QtShark, Timing Information Graph, Packet Editor (UI) and Fileshark. I will pick one and write a proposal about it before the deadline, what do you suggest? I really would like to hear your opinions. Thanks a lot.

Sincerely yours,
Leon, Beihang University