Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Hi, I want to apply for the Wireshark project for GSoC2013

From: "??????????" <hsluoyz@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 22:20:15 +0800
To wireshark-dev:

    Hello. My name is Leon. I am a Grade 2 master of Beihang University in China, and I major in computer science. I'd like to participate in the GSoC2013, the Google Summer of Code project and help do some programming work for Wireshark. Resume enclosed.
    I saw the ideas you provided for GSoC2013 and I must admit that i'm very fond of them. In my lab, I have done much research and programming work in the network security field. My graduation deadline is Mar.2014 and I'm willing to do some practice work before applying for a job. I'm very familiar with C/C++ programming in Windows and also know the TCP/IP network architecture very well. Because of my research area, I came much contact with Wireshark and Ethereal for experiments of my papers. In addition, I can crack ill-protected software and develop kind of NDIS filtering drivers for Windows. I have been using MFC for Windows user interface for three years, not so much experience in QT, but I think I can get started with QT quickly.
    Among all ideas in the list, I prefer Process Information, New Export Objects, QtShark, Timing Information Graph, Packet Editor (UI) and Fileshark. I will pick one and write a proposal about it before the deadline, what do you suggest? I really would like to hear your opinions. Thanks a lot.

Sincerely yours,
Leon, Beihang University

Attachment: Resume-Luo Yang-Beihang University-20130408.pdf
Description: Binary data