Just out of curiosity, why are the prototypes in the following change
needed ?
Or: maybe the real question is: why is -Wmissing_prototypes needed ?
We already catch any .h files which are missing prototypes of global
functions because we use -Wimplicit-function-declaration (part of -Wall).
So: what am i missing ?
> User: etxrab
> Date: 2013/03/12 04:09 PM
> Log:
> - [-Wmissing-prototypes]
--- packet-aodv.c (revision 48273)
+++ packet-aodv.c (revision 48274)
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
* (both of the above two are draft-perkins-manet-aodv6-01.txt, which
* is from November 2000)
+void proto_register_aodv(void);
+void proto_reg_handoff_aodv(void);
#define INET6_ADDRLEN 16
#define UDP_PORT_AODV 654