Title: Does Wireshark uses a pseudo-header for VRRPv3 IPv4 checksum calculation?
According to draft-ietf-vrrp-ipv6-spec-08 (VRRPv3) IPv4 is defined in RFC3768 (VRRPv2).
"This protocol is intended for use with IPv6 routers only. VRRP for IPv4 is defined in VRRP-V4." , sentence from draft-ietf-vrrp-ipv6-spec-08, section 1.1 - Scope
It appears that Wireshark uses the pseudo-header in the checksum calculation for IPv4 and for IPv6. For me the pseudo-header should be used for IPv6 as defined in the draft but should not be used in IPv4 since it doesn't appear in the checksum calculation defined in the section 5.3.8. of RFC3768.
Could you confirm that the Wireshark's checksum calculation for VRRPv3 uses a pseudo-header even for IPv4? It is intentional or a bug?
This question was also posted in Wireshark Q&A under: http://ask.wireshark.org/questions/15291/does-wireshark-uses-a-pseudo-header-for-vrrpv3-ipv4-checksum-calculation