Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/: config.nmake
From: "Maynard, Chris" <Christopher.Maynard@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 19:10:48 -0400
I was thinking more along the lines of having a vcredist.zip file in each http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/wireshark-$WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM-libs/tags/$DOWNLOAD_TAG/packages/ that contained all the supported MSVC_VARIANT's, so that when downloaded and extracted, you'd get something like the following (assuming win64): C:\wireshark-win64-libs\vcredist\ MSVC2010\ vcredist_x64.exe MSVC2010EE\ vcredist_x64.exe MSVC2012\ vcredist_x64.exe MSVC2012EE\ vcredist_x64.exe etc. Similarly for win32. This way it wouldn't matter if the Microsoft links changed because we'd already have them anyway. We wouldn't necessarily have to include all of the vcredist's in a single zip file either; we could download each separately or group them by 32-bit vs. 64-bit, or whatever else might make the most sense. And while I'm at it ... does anyone have any thoughts about changing the default wireshark lib directory structure? Currently I only compile 64-bit Wireshark on my Windows 7 64-bit PC, but my 32-bit XP PC's days are numbered and at some point soon I'll be building 32-bit and 64-bit custom installers on the Windows 7 64-bit PC. So, rather than have a growing number of libs directories at C:\ such as: C:\wireshark-libs-1.0\ C:\wireshark-win32-libs\ C:\wireshark-win32-libs-1.2\ C:\wireshark-win32-libs-1.4\ C:\wireshark-win32-libs-1.6\ C:\wireshark-win32-libs-1.8\ C:\wireshark-win64-libs\ C:\wireshark-win64-libs-1.4\ C:\wireshark-win64-libs-1.6\ C:\wireshark-win64-libs-1.8\ ... and on and on going forward, what about a structure such as follows: C:\wireshark-libs\ 1.0\ win32\ win64\ 1.2\ win32\ win64\ 1.4\ win32\ win64\ 1.6\ win32\ win64\ 1.8\ win32\ win64\ latest\ win32\ win64\ vcredist\ MSVC2010\ vcredist_x64.exe MSVC2010EE\ vcredist_x64.exe MSVC2012\ vcredist_x64.exe MSVC2012EE\ vcredist_x64.exe Or alternatively: C:\wireshark-libs\ win32\ 1.0\ 1.2\ ... latest\ win64\ 1.0\ 1.2\ ... latest\ A structure like one of these means only a single wireshark-libs directory in C:\, which I would prefer. While I know I can change the location of the libs for myself, I was just wondering if it might be desirable to change the default directory structure in general. Thoughts? And we could even include fop-1.0 in there as well, downloaded as fop-1.0.zip to include the fop-hyph.jar and jimi-1.0jar files. Seems like a better location for it, in my opinion, as it means each working copy of sources doesn't need its own wireshark/docbook/fop-1.0/ directory (by default). OK, just throwing out some ideas ... - Chris ________________________________________ From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gerald Combs [gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 4:37 PM To: Developer support list for Wireshark Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/: config.nmake I don't think there's anything that would prohibit that. The various redistributable download pages don't ask you to agree to anything before downloading and people are doing this directly from the WiX installer: http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/vcredist-x86-exe-Package-DownloadUrl-td7579927.html My only concern is that the links might change at some point but otherwise this would make things a bit more convenient. On 9/24/12 6:23 PM, Maynard, Chris wrote: > ... or is this the, "we're not allowed to distribute them" problem? > - Chris > ________________________________________ > From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Maynard, Chris [Christopher.Maynard@xxxxxxxxx] > Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 9:18 PM > To: wireshark-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/: config.nmake > > Should the supported vcredist_*.exe's be downloaded during the setup step? > - Chris > > ________________________________________ > From: wireshark-commits-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [wireshark-commits-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [gerald@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] > Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 6:57 PM > To: wireshark-commits@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/: config.nmake > > http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&revision=45113 > > User: gerald > Date: 2012/09/24 03:57 PM > > Log: > Look in $(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR)\vcredist_$(MSVC_VARIANT) for > the MSVC redistributable package, then look in the top-level > $(WIRESHARK_LIB_DIR). This lets us more easily use multiple compilers > with the same library directory. > > Directory: /trunk/ > Changes Path Action > +13 -3 config.nmake Modified > > -- CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this email message is intended only for use of the intended recipient. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately delete it from your system and notify the sender by replying to this email. Thank you.
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- Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/: config.nmake
- From: Maynard, Chris
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/: config.nmake
- From: Maynard, Chris
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/: config.nmake
- From: Gerald Combs
- Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Wireshark-commits] rev 45113: /trunk/ /trunk/: config.nmake
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