Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] PIM

From: "Maynard, Chris" <Christopher.Maynard@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 14:03:52 -0500
Thanks Steve.  Yeah unfortunately the link isn't too helpful to me, as
it doesn't show all the PIMv1 packet formats, which is really what I'm
interested in.

Anyway, I'll submit one patch through bugzilla when I feel it's ready.
The full extent of the changes may depend on the captures I have
available for testing though.

- Chris

-----Original Message-----
From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Stephen Fisher
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 11:57 AM
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] PIM

On Jan 19, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Maynard, Chris wrote:

> Is it OK to submit one big patch once I'm done, or would the core
> developers prefer smaller, more incremental patches?  One patch would
> easier for me.

One big patch is fine if that's what works best for you.  Thanks for
improving that dissector!

> Assuming that's OK, I would like to regression test it
> as much as possible before submitting it.  I have some PIM captures,
> could use some more.  Ideally, I could get captures depicting all
> message types and with all the different options, but I'll take what I
> can get.  If you have capture file(s) of PIM traffic, especially ones
> that include lots of options, I would appreciate it if you could post
> them for my testing.

I don't see any PIM captures in my personal library, sorry.

> Lastly, I am currently working off RFC's 4601 and 3973, but these
> describe only PIMv2.  I don't have any information whatsoever on
> The PIM dissector gives the following link as a source of information
> for PIMv1; however, the link no longer works:
> http://www.mbone.de/training/Module3.pdf.  Does anyone have
> on PIMv1?  It looks to be very similar to PIMv2 except implemented
> IGMP; however none of the IGMP RFC's describe it.  As indicated by
> ast/download/pim-intro.pdf, "In fact, no current RFC describes PIMv1
> all: The drafts have all expired, and PIMv1 was never issued as an
> official RFC."

Hmm.. my brain isn't working too well trying to remember the
differences.  I thought I remembered, then realized I was thinking of
IGMPv1 versus v2;).  I did find this link:


.. see page 40-4 in chapter 40, under the heading "PIM Versions."  Maybe
that will help (I know it's not much).


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