Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] PIM

From: Stephen Fisher <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 09:57:06 -0700
On Jan 19, 2010, at 9:28 AM, Maynard, Chris wrote:

> Is it OK to submit one big patch once I'm done, or would the core
> developers prefer smaller, more incremental patches?  One patch would be
> easier for me.

One big patch is fine if that's what works best for you.  Thanks for improving that dissector!

> Assuming that's OK, I would like to regression test it
> as much as possible before submitting it.  I have some PIM captures, but
> could use some more.  Ideally, I could get captures depicting all
> message types and with all the different options, but I'll take what I
> can get.  If you have capture file(s) of PIM traffic, especially ones
> that include lots of options, I would appreciate it if you could post
> them for my testing.

I don't see any PIM captures in my personal library, sorry.

> Lastly, I am currently working off RFC's 4601 and 3973, but these RFC's
> describe only PIMv2.  I don't have any information whatsoever on PIMv1.
> The PIM dissector gives the following link as a source of information
> for PIMv1; however, the link no longer works:
> http://www.mbone.de/training/Module3.pdf.  Does anyone have information
> on PIMv1?  It looks to be very similar to PIMv2 except implemented under
> IGMP; however none of the IGMP RFC's describe it.  As indicated by
> http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/software/junos/junos72/swconfig72-multic
> ast/download/pim-intro.pdf, "In fact, no current RFC describes PIMv1 at
> all: The drafts have all expired, and PIMv1 was never issued as an
> official RFC."

Hmm.. my brain isn't working too well trying to remember the differences.  I thought I remembered, then realized I was thinking of IGMPv1 versus v2;).  I did find this link:


.. see page 40-4 in chapter 40, under the heading "PIM Versions."  Maybe that will help (I know it's not much).
