From proto.h :
/** A protocol tree element. */
typedef proto_node proto_tree;
/** A protocol item element. */
typedef proto_node proto_item;
So :
current proto_tree implementation = current proto_item implementation
So your code works now, perhaps not later.
Perhaps other identical errors elsewhere into wireshark sources ?
Luca Ceresoli a �crit :
S�bastien Tandel ha scritto:
proto_item_set_text is meant to work with proto_item*
Sure, as declared in epan/proto.h.
What do you mean by it compiles and works with a proto_tree*?
I mean this:
proto_tree * my_tree;
const gchar *my_string;
/* ... */
my_tree = ptvcursor_add_text_with_subtree(cursor, ....., "foo");
/* some more decoding, including some ptvcursor_add()... */
/* now I know which text to place there instead of "foo": */
my_string = val_to_str(...);
proto_item_set_text(my_tree, "<%s>", my_string);
The last line compiles and runs without runtime errors, and the text of
the node created by ptvcursor_add_text_with_subtree() changes from "foo"
to "<" + my_string + ">".
Could you describe what is not "working" when you're passing a
proto_item*? Compilation error, which? other?
Nothing. I just have no proto_item* to pass, since
ptvcursor_add_text_with_subtree() doesn't return any.
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