Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] proto_tree -> proto_item

From: Sébastien Tandel <sebastien@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 10:14:51 -0300

proto_item_set_text is meant to work with proto_item*

What do you mean by it compiles and works with a proto_tree*?
Could you describe what is not "working" when you're passing a proto_item*? Compilation error, which? other?

Sebastien Tandel

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 18:37, Luca Ceresoli <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
proto_item_set_text() compiles and works when I pass a proto_tree* as
the first parameter, but it's declared as requiring a proto_item*:
  extern void proto_item_set_text(proto_item *ti, .....);

Is some RTTI used, that translates proto_tree* to proto_item*? I didn't
find documentation about this.

And, most notably, is it legal for me to do that?

Thanks in advance,

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