On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 11:26:56PM +0100, Stig Bj�rlykke wrote:
> 2008/3/3, Stig Bj�rlykke <stig.bjorlykke@xxxxxxxxx>:
> > It seems like this is when loading a big wireless capture, so the
> > custom columns is not the problem :)
> Or maybe not only on a wireless capture, as I see this on other
> captures too. Just more visible on my wireless capture with a lot
> more packages.
> When I add a custom column I see a bigger jump in memory usage on
> every reload, so I suppose we have some sort of leakage in the
> columns.
I've (hopefully) resolved both issues here in SVN revision 24595. It
was indirectly caused by the custom column features being added. It
actually had to do with a way to store col_expr and col_expr_val data in
fdata in addition to cf->cinfo so we didn't have to re-dissect every time
Apply/Prepare a[s] Filter was used, which was a recent fix of mine to
prevent the custom column's col_expr and col_expr_val from being wiped
out by repeated epan dissect runs. I wasn't thinking straight recently
and I copied and pasted some memory allocations from another part of the
code so it was allocating memory for strings instead of pointers like
crazy. Oops :).
Could you try it and let me know that it's fixed or not?