Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Trouble with building Wireshark on Win32

From: "Gupta, Satya" <sgupta@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 09:51:22 -0500

> Can you post the output of "nmake -f Makefile.nmake verify_tools".


Thanks for your help. Here is the output for verify_tools


C:\Wireshark>nmake -f Makefile.nmake verify_tools

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 7.00.8882
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-2000. All rights reserved.

Checking for required applications:
        cl: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio
        link: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio
        nmake: /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK for
Windows Server 2003 R2/Bin/nmake
        bash: /usr/bin/bash
        bison: /usr/bin/bison
        flex: /usr/bin/flex
        env: /usr/bin/env
        grep: /usr/bin/grep
        /usr/bin/find: /usr/bin/find
        perl: /usr/bin/perl
        C:/python24/python.exe: /cygdrive/c/python24/python.exe
        sed: /usr/bin/sed
        unzip: /usr/bin/unzip
        wget: /usr/bin/wget

-----Original Message-----
From: wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:wireshark-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Graham Bloice
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 6:06 AM
To: Developer support list for Wireshark
Subject: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Trouble with building Wireshark on Win32

Gupta, Satya wrote:
> I followed the step by step guide located at 
> http://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/ChSetupWin32.html for 
> building Wireshark on the Win32 platform. When I got to steps 
> prescribed in section 2.2.10, I ran into a problem with the file 
> version.conf. The log from the build is as follows:
> Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 8.00.50727.42
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> /out:rdps.exe
> /debug
> rdps.obj
>         rdps print.ps ps.c
>         rm -f svnversion.h
>         perl make-version.pl
> Version configuration file version.conf not found.  Using defaults.
> This is a build from SVN (or a SVN snapshot).
>    7680 [main] perl 1408 child_copy: linked dll data write copy 
> failed, 0x3F2000
> ..0x3F2370, done 0, windows pid 1408, Win32 error 487
> 5031552 [main] perl 1408 child_copy: linked dll data write copy 
> failed, 0x3F2000
> ..0x3F2370, done 0, windows pid 1408, Win32 error 487
> 10043867 [main] perl 1408 child_copy: linked dll data write copy 
> failed, 0x3F200
> 0..0x3F2370, done 0, windows pid 1408, Win32 error 487
> 15055835 [main] perl 1408 child_copy: linked dll data write copy 
> failed, 0x3F200
> 0..0x3F2370, done 0, windows pid 1408, Win32 error 487
> 20068217 [main] perl 1408 child_copy: linked dll data write copy 
> failed, 0x3F200
> 0..0x3F2370, done 0, windows pid 1408, Win32 error 487
> 25083851 [main] perl 1408 child_copy: linked dll data write copy 
> failed, 0x3F200
> 0..0x3F2370, done 0, windows pid 1408, Win32 error 487
> NMAKE : fatal error U1058: terminated by user
> Stop.
> Can someone shed some light on how I could fix this issue?
There appears to be something wrong with your perl environment.  Can you

post the output of "nmake -f Makefile.nmake verify_tools".


Graham Bloice

Wireshark-dev mailing list