Hi all,
I used ethereal / wireshark to sniffing WLAN ( IEEE 802.11 ) packet.
Now for some of my research purpose i like to add a new dissector. I red
through README.developer of dissector. I am not clear how to add a new
protocol and also the flow of packet in the ethereal / wireshark
I like to know is there is any other document to understand better way
or how i can start going through the code.
Please help me.
Thank You
Vipin M
MS ( By Research ) Student,
AU - KBC Research Centre,
MIT Campus, Anna University,
Chrompet, Chennai,
India - 600 044
Tel/Fax : 91-44-2223-2711 /4885 /1034 /6958 /6959
Ext No : 29
Url : http://comm.au-kbc.org