Luis Ontanon wrote:
Well I thought of something similar to this solution as well for some
time. And yes it is somewhat complex but not *so much*.
Having variuos directories like today's user_dir (from now on a
prefset) in a meta-user_dir (from now on the prefsets_dir) and being
able to switch between them, by loading the prefset from these dirs at
any given time.
the functions to be implemented would be few:
- Duplicate the current prefset (easy),
- Save to disk the current prefset (easier),
- Load a prefset (switching... this is the complex one)
as per the use of this the interfaces would be two:
a -option prefset_name for the command line (ws and ts),
and a drop down menu in the top of the preferences dialog with a
"save as..." item and a listing the existing prefsets.
other than the prefsets in the prefset_dir there would be a file
containing a pointer to the "default" prefset.
Implementing the switching operation would be the most complex part of
this, most probably there are many caveats. But there's a simpler
solution for this
save the current state (file open, marked packets, cureently
selected packet, ...) to file.
fork(), exec() with the new prefset loading the saved state and exit()
Overall it looks like a feasable project not something *very* complex
to implement.
You might miss the most work intensive point here: how to compare /
merge two different sets in a GUI way?
PS. Don't count on me for implementing it I'm already over-threaded as
it is right now.
Yes, you might finish some projects (including documentation) still
being marked experimental before starting new topics ;-)
Regards, ULFL