Wireshark-dev: [Wireshark-dev] Developing Wireshark under Visual Studio 2003/2005

From: Still Life <still.life@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 15:32:20 +0100

Hi to all,
H've already worked on a plugin dissector
for Wireshark and I was able to develop it using
a visual studio 2003 project.
Now I need to add some feature to the "Statistics"
menu and I'm thinking to create a visual studio project
to work on the whole Wireshark source code.
I read the following page but is explained
only how to build wireshark with the nmake system:

Is there someone who have already set up a Visual
Studio 2003/2005 project I can start with?

Is there some giude/wiki to set up a Visual Studio
2003/2005 project for the whole Wireshark source?

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