Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Dissecting XML payload

From: "Luis Ontanon" <luis.ontanon@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2007 00:09:32 +0100
There's not full DTD support (some features are not implemented, some
DTDs need to be massaged) but there's enough to obtain fileds against
which to filter from a DTD file.

To have your DTD file loaded you can copy it  in the dtds/ directory
that you can find in the data directory (the one with wireshark.exe on
windows or $PREFIX/share/wireshark on *nix). You can find some working
DTDs in there too.


On 2/6/07, Jim L Hartwig <jhartwig@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Want to dissect XML payload in a TCP packet.
I have the dissector working (dissecting the header), but now I need to
dissect the XML payload.

http://wiki.wireshark.org/XML  mentions it can be done if you have the
Document Type Definition (DTD) file.

Has anyone done this or have an example they could point me to ?
Assume I have a (DTD) file.

 Jim Hartwig
 Texas Engineering Center
 Voice:    972. 952. 3307
 Raynet:  427. 3307
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