An alternative to keeping it hidden would be to add a default menu item
with the text "Why is this menu empty?", or "How to add items to this
menu", which takes the user to a help page describing how to add items.
LEGO wrote:
> The menu is there just when compiled with Lua, and the current
> init.lua adds one item for it.
> Howhever it would be nice to keep it hidden until it gets populated
> (I'll take a look at it soon).
> A second item for that menu (DTD generator), is coming, a tool that
> parses xml and adds the fields present in the current capture file's
> xml to the DTDs in the user directory.
> On 10/14/06, Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi List!
>> Currently, the "Tools" top level menu item is empty. When I understand
>> this correct, if a lua script is available it will be put into this menu
>> item.
>> IN IT'S CURRENT STATE, IT SHOULD BE REMOVED - at least when it's empty.
>> Having an empty menu item that no one can use (except for it's developer
>> - documentation is not existing) is JUST A MESS.
>> Regards, ULFL
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