The menu is there just when compiled with Lua, and the current
init.lua adds one item for it.
Howhever it would be nice to keep it hidden until it gets populated
(I'll take a look at it soon).
A second item for that menu (DTD generator), is coming, a tool that
parses xml and adds the fields present in the current capture file's
xml to the DTDs in the user directory.
On 10/14/06, Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx> wrote:
Hi List!
Currently, the "Tools" top level menu item is empty. When I understand
this correct, if a lua script is available it will be put into this menu
IN IT'S CURRENT STATE, IT SHOULD BE REMOVED - at least when it's empty.
Having an empty menu item that no one can use (except for it's developer
- documentation is not existing) is JUST A MESS.
Regards, ULFL
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