Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Writing a new packet dissector

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 16:54:00 +0200
Daniel Griscom wrote:
Bit more to the point: What platform are you developing on? Wild guess

Well, I'm an OS X man by choice, but Wireshark is so much better integrated into Windows that I use it there.
Because I'm using Windows and (I often feel that I'm the only one) doing a lot of work making things easier for both users and developers - or at least I try.

As that's far more work than one can handle - even for Windows alone - I personally ignore Unix specifics (of course I'm trying not to break any Unix parts).

To my experience, Unix developers often tend to not care (or don't understand) that a problem they think is trivial can be a real show stopper for someone else.

So as a result, the Windows docs coming into a "usable" form (still incomplete) while the Unix specific parts didn't really changed at all for years and nobody seems to care.
Then look into the Wireshark Developer Guide, which has the step by
step guide of setting up the build environment. With all that in place
check out doc/README.developer which contains lots of details on the

Ah: that's the info I was looking for. Suggestion: add a pointer to the wireshark/doc directory to the very top of the developer's guide; less-experienced open-source developers (like myself) might not know to look there.
Don't understand: Pointing from the devel guide to the doc dir or from the doc dir to the devel guide?

Regards, ULFL