Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Writing a new packet dissector

From: Jaap Keuter <jaap.keuter@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 10:46:40 +0200 (CEST)

Oke, here it goes: RTFM's at www.wireshark.org

Bit more to the point: What platform are you developing on? Wild guess
Win32? Then look into the Wireshark Developer Guide, which has the step by
step guide of setting up the build environment. With all that in place
check out doc/README.developer which contains lots of details on the
internals. The dissector code can all be found in epan/dissectors.


On Fri, 13 Oct 2006, Daniel Griscom wrote:

> I'm developing a product using Macromedia Flash Remoting, which
> encapsulates its own AMF data in HTTP packets (MIME type
> application/x-amf). Wireshark is great for intercepting the traffic,
> but once I'm looking at the HTTP transaction I can't see anything
> more than hex data.
> I'm a decent C programmer, but have no experience developing for
> Wireshark, and probably could only contribute in a very
> well-circumscribed area of the product. Given all that, I'd like to
> write a packet dissector for Flash Remoting AMF data presented within
> HTTP packets. I think that means I need to build a new media type
> dissector.
> So, I have some questions:
> - Is this something the average programmer could do without
> thoroughly learning the Wireshark code base?
> - Would I be writing a media type dissector plugin, living alongside
> such modules as the GIF, JPEG and line based text dissectors?
> - Where in the code tree would I find a source file that does the
> same task, albeit for a different media type?
> ... feel free to tell me RTFM, hopefully accompanied by URLs for the M...
> Thanks,
> Dan
> --
> Daniel T. Griscom             griscom@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Suitable Systems              http://www.suitable.com/
> 1 Centre Street, Suite 204    (781) 665-0053
> Wakefield, MA  01880-2400
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