Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] [Patch] epan/make-sminmpec.pl

Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 18:18:00 +0200
Committed revision 19172.

I modified so that calling it like
  make-sminmpec.pl -gen
is like calling it
  make-sminmpec.pl -gen \
        http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers \


On 9/7/06, Andrew Feren <acferen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This adds some features to update enterprise-numbers from the web.  After I
submitted a large update for epan/enterprise-numbers yesterday I got to
thinking that there ought to be a way to automate keeping the file up to

As used in the Makefile currently
  make-sminmpec.pl <infile> <outfile.c>

works exactly the same.  Additionally <infile> can be a URL to an infile in
the expected format.

example :
make-sminmpec.pl http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers

Using the new "-gen" switch will create a new <infile>

make-sminmpec.pl -gen \
    http://www.iana.org/assignments/enterprise-numbers \

if you use a local file for infile the -gen switch is the moral equivalent of
just copying the file.  (maybe -cp would be a better switch name)

I didn't update any Makefiles since I think in general people don't need/want
to update off the web for every build.  Perhaps using this to update
enterprise-numbers could be run with make-manuf.   (Is manuf run
periodically?  If so when?  Just curious.)


-Andrew Feren

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