Comment # 9
on bug 11367
from Guy Harris
(In reply to Guy Harris from comment #6)>
> So try running without DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 in mdoit. Yes, it'd be nice
> if we could handle this more robustly; at least on UN*X, we might be able to
> do that by using descriptors *other* than the standard output and error for
> communications between Wireshark and dumpcap.
(Or I could finally get around to doing privilege separation in libpcap itself
- the new NPcap work does so for WinPcap - so that all the stuff requiring
elevated privileges is done in a small helper process and the actual packet
capturing is done in unprivileged code, and we can then safely do capturing in
a separate thread in Wireshark and not need it to run dumpcap at all.)
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