Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Bad protocol id?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 10:44:14 -0800
Terry Shaw wrote:

I'm seeing the following frames on my router, but they are not 802.3 frames even though the protocol id is 0x0070 and being interpreted as 802.3 length field. I can see PPPOE and IP headers in the frame. How do I "force" ethereal to interpret this frame as an ethernet II frame and decode the encapsulated protocols correctly?

Any Ethernet frame that has 0x00 0x70 in the type/length field is incapable of being decoded "correctly" if interpreted as an Ethernet II frame, as there *IS* no valid Ethernet type value of 0x0070. Values less than 1536 in the type/length field are not valid type values.

Ethereal has no mechanism that forces it to interpret packets with values less than 1500 as Ethernet II frames. (1500 rather than 1536 because there's a range 1500-1535 where the 802.3 spec doesn't indicate whether the field is to be interpreted as a type field rather than a length field; I guess Ethereal could just report that as an invalid packet.)

If packets of that sort are being transmitted by some hardware or software on your network, perhaps the forcing that should be done is forcing that hardware or software to leave your network, and forcing whoever developed it to read a recent version of the IEEE 802.3 specification, paying special attention to the "Length/Type field" section of the "Media access control frame structure" chapter.

If, instead, the packet is being transmitted correctly, but whatever OS you're running or whatever Ethernet driver you're running on the machine on which you're running Ethereal is "helpfully" mangling the packet, the forcing that should be done is forcing it to stop doing that; you'd have to ask the vendor of the OS or the driver how to do that, if it's possible.