Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] Bad protocol id?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Terry Shaw" <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 20:54:31 +1000
I'm seeing the following frames on my router, but they are not 802.3 frames even though the protocol id is 0x0070 and being interpreted as 802.3 length field. I can see PPPOE and IP headers in the frame. How do I "force" ethereal to interpret this frame as an ethernet II frame and decode the encapsulated protocols correctly?
No.     Time        Source                Destination           Protocol Info
     60 38.891425   00:00:00_0d:60:12     Netgear_fc:7d:8f      LLC      S, func=RNR, N(R)=126; DSAP NULL LSAP Individual, SSAP PROWAY (IEC955) Network Management and Initialization Response
Frame 60 (259 bytes on wire, 259 bytes captured)
    Arrival Time: Jan 17, 2006 17:53:31.732127000
    Time delta from previous packet: 2.985880000 seconds
    Time since reference or first frame: 38.891425000 seconds
    Frame Number: 60
    Packet Length: 259 bytes
    Capture Length: 259 bytes
    Protocols in frame: eth:llc:data
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
    Destination: Netgear_fc:7d:8f (00:0f:b5:fc:7d:8f)
    Source: 00:00:00_0d:60:12 (00:00:00:0d:60:12)
    Length: 112
    Trailer: CE6B4078BDCF313707BA821DF47EA6DD1C4E6D72876A36C4...
    Frame check sequence: 0xc51c9b52 [incorrect, should be 0x3c52e75b]
Logical-Link Control
    DSAP: NULL LSAP (0x00)
    IG Bit: Individual
    SSAP: PROWAY (IEC955) Network Management and Initialization (0x0e)
    CR Bit: Response
    Control field: S, func=RNR, N(R)=126 (0xFCB5)
        1111 110. .... .... = N(R): 126
        .... .... .... 01.. = Supervisory frame type: Receiver not ready (0x0001)
        .... .... .... ..01 = Frame type: Supervisory frame (0x0001)
Data (108 bytes)
0000  7d 8e 08 00 45 10 00 ed 54 37 40 00 34 06 f0 9f   }[email protected]...
0010  ca 51 12 21 c0 a8 64 09 01 bb 09 92 39 67 d4 f6   .Q.!..d.....9g..
0020  8c 5b 1c 1a 50 18 25 bc d0 32 00 00 01 03 00 c1   .[..P.%..2......
0030  17 03 00 00 bc a8 4e 67 08 0f 3c 52 c5 ab 4e 13   ......Ng..<R..N.
0040  d3 3c bb 25 79 b5 79 5c 0a c6 8d 24 bf 57 3d 29   .<.%y.y\...$.W=)
0050  94 90 91 24 3f 82 8c ff 5d 8c a1 f1 15 ca e0 1c   ...$?...].......
0060  ff 1f fc 0c 16 7f c1 1e 35 73 4a c0               ........5sJ.
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