Ethereal-users: Re: [Ethereal-users] Ethereal Install Trouble !!!

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Guy Harris <gharris@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 12:58:38 -0800
Stanard Paul wrote:

I downloaded ethereal-0.10.0a-1.RH9.src.rpm for my linux box. I am aware that I must have libpcap installed as well so I downloaded and extracted libpcap-0.9.4 performed the ./configure, make, and make install. When I go to install ethereal using /rpmbuild --rebuild <filename> /I get the following error: Failed build dependencies: libpcap >= 0.4 is needed by ethereal*.*/ /
As far as I know, RPM only knows about RPMs that you've installed; it 
knows nothing about software where you've downloaded a source tarball 
and compiled and installed it.
Therefore, the RPM code doesn't know you have libpcap installed.

Your Linux distribution probably has a libpcap RPM that comes with it. I would suggest that you do a "make uninstall" from the libpcap 0.9.4 directory (so you don't have two versions of libpcap installed), find the libpcap RPM in your distribution, and install it.
I would also suggest that you try to find a newer version of Ethereal 
than 0.10.0a - 0.10.13 is the current version, and fixes a number of 
bugs, some of which are security vulnerabilities.