Ethereal displays a packet (Tx/Rx) when the packet transmission/reception
is successful.
Ethereal displays a Tx packet when the packet's trasnmission in media is
proper (without collision). This means when the transceiver(PHY) indicates the MAC
driver that the frame transmission is OK. Therefore, even if, there is collision(s)
for that packet, it will be shown only once on ethereal.
Ethereal displays the received packet content when the packet is properly received by
MAC sublayer. MAC sublayer checks the follwoing before acception the packet as
1. DA
2. Length (not valid for Ethernet II)
3. Checksum.
If all ckecks are OK, then the packet is displayed by ethereal.
I think, i
On 11/23/05, vinh.pham@xxxxxx <vinh.pham@xxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all.
I hope with this that anyone can give an answer to my problems:
Suppose I send data traffic through wireless interface (UDP package) from PC A to PC B.
When there are collisions on the link, or the link is unstable, some package will be lost and need to
be restransmitted. As far as I know this will be taken care of by the data link layer/ethernet layer.
The question is whether ethereal can capture these retransmitted package as well?
If not, is there any tool that can do that?
Thanks for your time and support.
Vinh Pham
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