Ethereal-users: [Ethereal-users] Ping packet sizes

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Stewart, Damien" <damien.r.stewart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 12:03:45 +1000
Title: Ping packet sizes

Hi all,

I have searched through the list archives, but alas no luck so I hope someone here can illuminate an interesting thing I noticed with ping packet sizes. (To my understanding anyway!)

Here's the setup. I have one PC connected to another PC with a few Cisco routers in between. They can ping each other happily. I know Ethereal doesn't report packet sizes as seen by the network if its running on the same machine that's generating the traffic, in this case ping requests. I also know that Ethereal doesn't report the Frame Check Sequence (FCS) of the ethernet frame, so packet sizes are always 4 bytes less than what they should be. So, the minimum size I see should be 60 bytes.

I setup another PC connected to the switch on one side of the link and created a SPAN session and run Ethereal. I then did a standard ping (this is on Windows BTW) from the other PC - This generates the expected 74 bytes (8 bytes preamble + 6 bytes DA + 6 bytes SA + 2 bytes Type + 20 bytes IP header + 32 bytes ICMP payload, ignoring the 4 bytes FCS). More importantly, the echo reply is also 74 bytes.

I then proceded to reduce the ICMP payload using the "-l" (dash el) option to 1 byte. The echo request packet size drop to 56 bytes yet the reply is 60 bytes! In the request ethernet frame, there is a padding of 13 bytes (so 8+6+6+2+13+20+1=56) - my question is: why 56 bytes? As explained, I expected the minimum packet size visible to Ethereal would be 60 bytes (min Ethernet frame minus FCS). Where did the other bytes go? I have a small capture file - available on request.

Kind regards,


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