Title: After updating Ethereal to 0.10.11 cannot capture to file
Hi all,
Has anyone experienced this issue?
After updating Ethereal to 0.10.11 I can no longer capture to a file.
The interface seems to have changed unless there was something I did different during the install process.
What I used to be able to do (0.10.9 I think) is go to Capture choose start and then choose the options. What I would do is use multiple files, newfile every 100MB.
When I try that now using Capture Options (ctrl-k) it requires that already have a file; if I put in a filename it tells me the file does not exist; if I supply an existing capture firle it displays the file as if I did a file>open but doesn’t capture any new data.
If I create an empty file it tells me there was no data in the file.
It seems that the only way to capture data is to the temporary file but I don’t want to have to constantly stop the capture to save the file.
Anyone else experienced this?